Continuing Education Units
Most medical interpreters begin their formal training with a 40 hour class that introduces medical interpreting as a career. The 40 hour class is specifically related to the healthcare industry. The class includes topics of ethics and professionalism as well as medical terminology and medical settings.
Successful completion of this class awards the participant with a Certificate of Completion; it is not a certification. This certificate is required as one of the steps to becoming a nationally certified medical interpreter.
Certificates of Attendance are also awarded at medical interpreter workshops and conferences. These certificates are required as verification to maintain Nationally Certified status once it is achieved.
The Medical Interpreter Network of Georgia (MING) promotes certification of Medical and Healthcare Interpreters. At each quarterly meeting MING provides opportunities for interpreters to obtain continuing education credits (CEUs). MING speakers address topics pertinent to the field of interpreting so the presentations are approved by both certifying agencies.
There are currently 2 agencies that offer National Certification for Medical Interpreters. Although there are some variations, the exams given by both agencies test adequate knowledge of the medical interpreting profession, including ethics, standards of practice, role boundaries and medical terminology, among other important competencies.
Did you know?
Access to free events with CEU credits are included with your membership.